Christian Rightcast
Christian Rightcast
Episode 1: Introductions

Episode 1: Introductions

Welcome to the inaugural episode of Christian Rightcast! In this conversation, Kristin and Jeff discuss the Christian Right in America, their respective histories with the movement, and why it matters.

Over the coming weeks and months, we’ll be diving deeper into the movement, focusing on specific personalities, organizations, cultural touchstones, and beliefs inside the Christian Right. I there’s sufficient interest, we’d like to spend additional time researching, writing, and augment the episodes with transcripts, explainers about key ideas and vocabulary, and written articles that are a tricky fit for the podcast format. Our regular episodes will always be free, though, and available on your favorite podcasting app.

In the meantime, please listen and enjoy…

Mentioned in this episode:

Christian Rightcast
Christian Rightcast
Kristin Rawls and Jeff Eaton unpack the history of Christian Fundamentalism in America. Learn how it shaped pop music and politics, how its culture came to be, and how its ideas contributed to America’s emerging authoritarian crisis.