Nov 20, 2020Liked by Kristin Rawls

You need like a whole episode in the Protest Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism... yes it’s more than 60yrs ago, but I think there’s a lot in there that explains why some Catholics ( I’d argue the more affluent ones) are quasi-evangelical and the others are poorer more socially conscientious. You definitely see a rural/urban divide in the US among Catholics in terms of the themes within in the religion they prioritize politically.

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Absolutely! The concept of the Protestant Work Ethic is already on our list of topics to hit, but I wasn't aware of the book you mentioned until googling it just now. It looks like a *fascinating* deep dive, and while I can't speak for Kristin, I'd never considered the idea that the "civic religion" of American Industriousness could be a bridge for Catholics as well. We'll check it out!

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Hi, just getting on board. Although the focus so far has largely been on white right Christian, I think a lot of the sway in politics in your country (as well as my own) is impacted by the Catholic groups coming from abroad who align with the modern Christian right and are often inseparable from it. North America is a major migratory destination for folks from Central African countries, Sounth American and the Philippines who bring with them incredibly right wing perspectives that are often times indistinguishable. Trump had many supporters from Pilipino Americans as they often hold similar views and even idolize their leader Duterte. In some areas there is an idolization of what is perceived to be American values and this often equated with that Reagan style Christianity. Love the show so far and I am going to continue binging!

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yeah I've actually heard people refer to Duterte as the "Filipino Trump" idk why anyone would idolise their leaders like this but it appears to be something a lot of authoritarian followers do whether they be imperialists, fascists, or communists...

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I just started listening to this podcast and as a person who spent the first 4 years of my school life being homeschooled and going to a Pentecostal church, a lot of the stuff in here has hit a little too close to home. I'm now living in the South and it's been an interesting time for sure!

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